taman spsuinjkt

Islamic Studies Master

Become an academic, researcher and major religious expert who is able to integrate Islam, science, Indonesianism and humanity with an inter, multi and transdisciplinary approach to realize the Postgraduate School as a World Class Center for Islamic Studies through national and international publications.

  1. Developing academic excellence to produce quality and competitive graduates, who have an interdisciplinary, multidisciplinary and transdisciplinary way of thinking;
  2. Increasing research excellence to produce graduates who have the ability to solve problems using an interdisciplinary, multidisciplinary and transdisciplinary approach;
  3. Expanding National and International cooperation in order to achieve global recognition.

The main profile of graduates of the Islamic Studies study program Master level (S2) are capable academics, researchers and major religious experts develop theories  Islamic studies are based on teachings and ethics Islamic, scientific and expert work and produce authentic, creative, innovative, and tested through interdisciplinary, multidisciplinary and approaches transdisciplinary and published and gaining national recognition and international.

  1. Academics :Master of Religion who have expertise, mastery of interdisciplinary knowledge, multidisciplinary and transdisciplinary,  managerial ability as academics in the field of Islamic Studies based on teachings and ethics Islamic, scientific, Indonesian and expertise.
  2. Researcher :Master of Religion who have the ability to plan, implement and publish as well managing original and creative research results in the field of Studies Islam is in accordance with the latest scientific developments based on Islamic teachings and ethics, science, Indonesianism and expertise.
  3. Major Religious Experts :Master of Religion who has the ability to develop normative Islamic studies and theoretical to analyze, solve problems, and provide religious services based on scientific Islamic studies approaches interdisciplinary,  multidisciplinary and transdisciplinary according to teachings and Islamic ethics, science, Indonesianism and expertise.


Prof. Dr. Amsal Bakhtiar, MA
NIP/NIDN 196012191989031006
Bidang Ilmu Ilmu Filsafat Islam
Email amsal_bakhtiar@uinjkt.ac.id
Publikasi Google Scholar, Sinta, Scopus

Prof. Dr. JM. Muslimin, MA
NIP/NIDN 196808121999031014
Bidang Ilmu Ilmu Politik Hukum Islam
Email jm.muslimin@uinjkt.ac.id
Publikasi Google Scholar, Sinta, Scopus

Prof. Dr. Yusuf Rahman, MA
NIP/NIDN 196702131992031002
Bidang Ilmu Ilmu Al Quran dan Hadis
Email yusuf.rahman@uinjkt.ac.id
Publikasi Google Scholar, Sinta, Scopus

Dr. Fu'ad Jabali, MA
NIP/NIDN 196509111990031004
Bidang Ilmu Sejarah Peradaban Islam
Email fuadjabali@uinjkt.ac.id
Publikasi Google Scholar, Sinta, Scopus

Arif Zamhari, M.Ag, Ph.D
NIP/NIDN 197207151998031005
Bidang Ilmu Sosiologi Agama
Email arif.zamhari@uinjkt.ac.id
Publikasi Google Scholar, Sinta, Scopus

Suparto, M.Ed, Ph.D
NIP/NIDN 197103301998031004
Bidang Ilmu Sosiologi Pendidikan
Email suparto@uinjkt.ac.id
Publikasi  Google Scholar, Sinta, Scopus

Hamdani. M.Ag, Ph.D
NIP/NIDN 197312032005011003
Bidang Ilmu Pengkajian Islam
Email hamdani@uinjkt.ac.id
Publikasi Google Scholar, Sinta, Scopus

Dr. Alvian Iqbal Zahasfan, S.Si. Lc, MA
Bidang Ilmu Pemikiran Islam
Email alvian.iqbal@uinjkt.ac.id
Publikasi Google Scholar, Sinta, Scopus

Dr. Suwendi, M.Ag
NIP/NIDN 197604232006041004
Bidang Ilmu Pendidikan Islam
Email suwendi@uinjkt.ac.id
Publikasi  Google Scholar, Sinta, Scopus


Prof. Dr. IIk Arifin Mansurnoor, MA
Bidang Ilmu Pemikiran Islam Modern
Email iik.arifin@uinjkt.ac.id
Publikasi Google Scholar, Sinta, Scopus

Prof. Kusmana, MA, Ph.D
NIP/NIDN 196504241995031001
Bidang Ilmu Ilmu Tafsir
Email kusmana@uinjkt.ac.id
Publikasi Google Scholar, Sinta, Scopus

Prof. Dr. Armai Arief, M.Ag
NIP/NIDN 195601191986031003
Bidang Ilmu Ilmu Pendidikan Islam
Email armai.arief@uinjkt.ac.id
Publikasi Google Scholar, Sinta, Scopus

Prof. Ali Munhanif, MA, Ph.D
NIP/NIDN 196512121992031004
Bidang Ilmu Ilmu Politik
Email ali.munhanif@uinjkt.ac.id
Publikasi Google Scholar, Sinta, Scopus

Prof. Dr. Muhammad Arskal Salim GP, MA
NIP/NIDN 197009011996031003
Bidang Ilmu Politik Hukum Islam
Email arskal.salim@uinjkt.ac.id
Publikasi Google Scholar, Sinta, Scopus

Prof. Muhammad Zuhdi, M.Ed, Ph.D
NIP/NIDN 197207041997031002
Bidang Ilmu Pengembangan Kurikulum
Email zuhdi@uinjkt.ac.id
Publikasi  Google Scholar, Sinta, Scopus

Prof. Dr. Nasaruddin Umar, MA
NIP/NIDN 195906231985031002
Bidang Ilmu Ilmu Tafsir
Email nasaruddin.umar@uinjkt.ac.id
Publikasi Google Scholar, Sinta, Scopus

Prof. Dr. Oman Fathurahman, M.Hum
NIP/NIDN 196908081996031003
Bidang Ilmu Bahasa dan Sastra Arab/Filologi
Email oman.f@uinjkt.ac.id
Publikasi Google Scholar, Sinta, Scopus

Prof. Dr. Sukron Kamil, MA
NIP/NIDN 196904151997031004
Bidang Ilmu Bahasa dan Sastra Arab
Email sukronkamil@uinjkt.ac.id
Publikasi  Google Scholar, Sinta, Scopus

Prof. Dr. Zaitunah Subhan
Bidang Ilmu Hukum Keluarga
Email zaitunah.subhan@uinjkt.ac.id
Publikasi Google Scholar, Sinta, Scopus

Prof. Dr. Hamdani Anwar, MA
Bidang Ilmu Ilmu Tafsir
Email hamdani.anwar@uinjkt.ac.id
Publikasi  Google Scholar, Sinta, Scopus

Prof. Dr. Hamka Hasan, Lc., MA
NIP/NIDN 197505202000031002
Bidang Ilmu Ilmu Tafsir
Email hamka.hasan@uinjkt.ac.id
Publikasi Google Scholar, Sinta, Scopus

Prof. Maila Dinia Husni Rahiem, MA, Ph.D
NIP/NIDN 197803142006042002
Bidang Ilmu Pendidikan Anak Usia Dini dan Kesejahteraan Sosial
Email mailadinia@uinjkt.ac.id
Publikasi Google Scholar, Sinta, Scopus

Dr. Muhbib Abdul Wahab, MA
NIP/NIDN 196810231993031002
Bidang Ilmu Pendidikan Bahasa Arab
Email muhbib@uinjkt.ac.id
Publikasi Google Scholar, Sinta, Scopus

Dr. Usep Abdul Matin, S.Ag, MA, MA, Ph.D
NIP/NIDN 196808071998031002
Bidang Ilmu Sejarah Peradaban Islam
Email usep.abdulmatin@uinjkt.ac.id
Publikasi  Google Scholar, Sinta, Scopus

Dr. Faizah Ali Syibromalisi, MA
Bidang Ilmu Ilmu tafsir
Email faizah.syibromalisi@uinjkt.ac.id
Publikasi Google Scholar, Sinta, Scopus

Dr. Rizqi Handayani, MA
NIP/NIDN 198311082009122005
Bidang Ilmu Bahasa dan Sastra Arab
Email rizqi.handayani@uinjkt.ac.id
Publikasi  Google Scholar, Sinta, Scopus

August 27, 2024 the Master of Islamic Studies Programme obtained an extension of accreditation based on the Decree of the Director of the BAN-PT Executive Board Number 5681/SK/BAN-PT/Ak.Ppj/M/VIII/2014 with an A rating, valid until 5 September 2029. (Certificate of Accreditation for Master of Islamic Studies 2024-2029)

September 4, 2019 The Master of Islamic Studies Program received an extension of accreditation based on the BAN-PT Decree Number 3394/SK/BAN-PT/Akred/M/IX/2019 with a rating of A, valid until September 4, 2024. (Decree on Accreditation of Masters in Islamic Studies 2019-2024)

March 14, 2014 The Master's Program received an extension of accreditation based on the decision of BAN-PT Number 079/SK/BAN-PT/Akred/M/III/2014 with a rating of A, valid until March 13, 2019. (Decree of Accreditation of Master of Islamic Studies 2014-2019).

The Master's Study Program is accredited A (score 4.7/Very Good) from  the National Accreditation Board for Higher Education based on the Decree. No. 018/BAN-PT/Ak-VI/S2/XII/2008 dated December 19, 2008. The accreditation status of this Master's Program is valid until December 19, 2013. (Decree of Accreditation of Master of Islamic Studies 2008-2013).

Graduate Schools Research Library

Graduate School Library has an important role in supporting academic activities and research which is part of the UIN Syarif Library Center Hidayatullah Jakarta. This library serves as a resource information that serves the provision of reading materials, borrowing and returns, reference materials, as well as study and discussion space. Apart from being equipped with an automation system to make things easier search for collection information independently, this library It is also equipped with WiFi access for students inside access other digital information sources whether subscribed to Central and other deep-net databases national library master catalogue.

Prof. Suwito Auditorium

Prof. Suwito Graduate Schools UIN Jakarta Auditorium

Theater Room

The Graduate School has a theater room with a capacity of 60 person. This theater room is used for activities workshops, seminars, national and international conferences both organized by study programs and faculties.

Quiet Room

Quiet Room Graduate Schools UIN Jakarta

Lecturer Room

UIN Jakarta Graduate School Lecturer Room

Learning Garden

UIN Jakarta Graduate School Learning Garden.