Achmad Saeful Doctoral Promotion Examination: The Construction of Inclusive Fiqh 'Abd al-Wahhāb al-Sha'rānī
Achmad Saeful Doctoral Promotion Examination: The Construction of Inclusive Fiqh 'Abd al-Wahhāb al-Sha'rānī

Auditorium Prof. Dr. Suwito, MA SPs UIN Jakarta, SCHOOL NEWS: The Graduate School of the State Islamic University (SPs UIN) Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta held the 1609th Doctoral Promotion Exam in the Auditorium Room of Prof. Dr. Suwito, MA SPs UIN Jakarta, on Tuesday, February 25, 2025 with the promovendus Achmad Saeful.

Achmad Saeful, a student of the Doctoral Study Program in Islamic Studies with a concentration in Sharia. He wrote a dissertation entitled "The Construction of Inclusive Fiqh 'Abd al-Wahhāb al-Sha'rānī: Efforts to Overcome Exclusivity in Sects".

This dissertation explores the thoughts of 'Abd al-Wahhāb al-Sha'rānī, a prominent scholar, regarding the concept of inclusive fiqh as the antithesis of the exclusive understanding of madhhab. Achmad Saeful uses a qualitative approach with an in-depth literature review method, as well as a hermeneutic and philosophical approach to analyze data.

The results of the study show that al-Sha'rānī offers two main methods of presenting fiqh, namely the comparative method and the compromise method (al-jam'u wa al-taufīq). The comparative method compares the opinions of various scholars of the madhhab, while the compromise method weighs these opinions in the categories  of tasydīd (burdensome) and takhfīf (mitigating).

Another important finding is al-Sha'rānī's view that all the opinions of madhhab scholars are correct. According to him, the rejection of one of the opinions reflects a shallow understanding of religion. This is contrary to the exclusive notion that tends to claim a single truth.

This research is in line with the views of Ahmad Taufik Hidayat and Alfurqan (2020) who affirm fiqh pluralism as an undeniable reality. As long as the opinion is based on methodological and systematic arguments, there is no reason to reject or blame.

However, this research is different from the opinion of Zaenal Khalid (2020) who sees exclusivism as an inevitability that strengthens inter-sectarian relations. Achmad Saeful argues that exclusivism does not always lead to extremism and terrorism.

Achmad Saeful successfully defended his dissertation under the guidance of Prof. Dr. Ahmad Mukri Aji, MA, Prof. Dr. Asmawi, M.Ag, and Dr. Yuli Yasin, MA and was tested in front of examiners consisting of Prof. Dr. Zulkifli, MA, Prof. Dr. Ahmad Mukri Aji, MA, Prof. Dr. Asmawi, M.Ag, Dr. Yuli Yasin, MA, Prof. Dr. Djawahir Hejazziey, SH, MA,  MH, Prof. Dr. H. Abd. Rahman, MA, Prof. Dr. Media Zainul Bahri, MA.

After paying attention to the writing of the dissertation, the comments of the examining team and the promovendus answers, the examining team determined that Achmad Saeful was declared to have graduated with the title of Very Satisfactory and became the 1609th Doctor in the field of Islamic Studies at the Graduate School of UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta. (JA)