1982 Early Establishment
The Graduate School of State Islamic University (SPs UIN) Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta was established in 1982. At the beginning of its establishment, SPs was named the Postgraduate Faculty (FPs) IAIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta, based on the Decree of the Director General of Islamic Religious Institutional Development (Dirjen Binbaga Islam) of the Ministry of Religious Affairs R.I., H. Anton Timur Djaelani MA, No. KEP/E/422/81.
2000 Accreditation of Master Programs
In 2000 the Master Program was accredited for the first time by the National Accreditation Board for Higher Education (BAN-PT) of the Ministry of Education and Culture and obtained an Excellent rating based on the Decree of the National Accreditation Board for Higher Education No. 025/BAN-PT/Ak-I/S2/IX/2000 dated December 19, 2000. The next accreditation was carried out in 2008 with the results of accreditation A. On March 14, 2014 the Master Program obtained an extension of accreditation based on the decision of BAN-PT Number 079 / SK / BAN-PT / Akred / M / III / 2014 with a rank of A. In 2024, the Master of Islamic Studies and Doctor of Islamic Studies programs obtained a Excellent Accreditation rating from BAN-PT until 2029.
2007 Name Change of PPs to SPs
Starting in 2007, the Postgraduate Program (PPs) changed its name to the Graduate School (SPs). This change is intended so that postgraduate education is not ad hoc but rather becomes a permanent academic educational institution. In 2007-2015, SPs was led by Prof. Dr. Azyumardi Azra. MA as Director, Dr. Fuad Jabali, MA as Deputy Director of Academic and Cooperation, Dr. Sri Mulyati, MA as Deputy Director of Administration and Student Affairs, and Prof. Dr. Suwito, MA as Deputy Director of Institutional Development. In 2008 Dr. Sri Mulyati, MA was replaced by Dr. Udjang Tholib, MA.
In March 2009, new provisions on the curriculum for Master Programs and Doctoral Programs were enacted by adding weight in the field of research capabilities.
Graduate School Leadership in 2011
In 2011-2013 the leadership of the Postgraduate School consisted of Prof. Dr. Azyumardi Azra, MA (Director), Prof. Dr. Suwito, MA (Deputy Director of Academic and Cooperation), Dr. Yusuf Rahman, MA (Deputy Director of Administration and Student Affairs), and Prof. Dr. Amany Lubis, MA (Deputy Director of Institutional Development).
Graduate School Leadership in 2013
In April 2013 - March 2015 the leadership of the Postgraduate School consisted of Prof. Dr. Azyumardi Azra, MA as Director, Prof. Dr. Suwito, MA as Chair of the Islamic Studies Doctoral Program ex officio Deputy Director for Academic Affairs, Cooperation and Institutional Development, Dr. Yusuf Rahman, MA as Chair of the Islamic Studies Masters Program ex officio Deputy Director for Administration, Student Affairs and Alumni.
Graduate School Leadership in 2015
Since March 9 2015, the SPs leadership has changed, namely Prof. Dr Masykuri Abdillah as Director, Prof. Dr. Didin Saepudin, MA as chairman of the Islamic Studies Doctoral Program ex officio Deputy Director for Academic Affairs, Institutional Development and Alumni, Dr. JM Muslimin as Chair of the Islamic Studies Masters Program ex officio Deputy Director for Administration, Finance and Cooperation.
Leadership 2018 - 2019
Since March 1 2018, the SPs leadership structure has changed, namely Prof. Dr Masykuri Abdillah as Director, Prof. Dr. Ahmad Rodoni, MM as deputy director, Prof. Dr. Didin Saepudin, MA as head of the Islamic Studies Doctoral Program, Dr. J.M. Muslimin as Head of the Islamic Studies Masters Program. Dr. Usep Abdul Matin, MA as secretary of the Doctoral Program, Dr. Kamarusdiana, S.Ag. MH as secretary of the Masters Program.
Graduate School Leadership 2019 - 2020
March 2019, the leadership of SPs UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta underwent a change, namely Prof. Dr. Jamhari, MA as Director; Dr. Hamka Hasan, Lc., MA as Deputy Director; Prof. Dr. Didin Saepudin, MA as head of the Islamic Studies Doctoral Program; Arif Zamhari, M.Ag, Ph.D as Head of the Islamic Studies Masters Program; Dr. Asmawi, M.Ag as Secretary of the Islamic Studies Doctoral Study Program; and Dr. Imam Sujoko, MA as Secretary of the Master of Islamic Studies Study Program.
Graduate School Leadership for 2020 - 2023
March 2020, the leadership of SPs UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta underwent a change, namely Prof. Dr. Phil. Asep Saepudin Jahar, MA as Director; Dr. Hamka Hasan, Lc., MA as Deputy Director; Prof. Dr. Didin Saepudin, MA as head of the Islamic Studies Doctoral Program; Arif Zamhari, M.Ag, Ph.D as Head of the Islamic Studies Masters Program; Dr. Asmawi, M.Ag as Secretary of the Islamic Studies Doctoral Study Program; and Dr. Imam Sujoko, MA as Secretary of the Master of Islamic Studies Study Program.
Graduate School Leadership 2023 - Present
March 2023, the leadership of SPs UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta underwent a change, namely Prof. Dr. Zulkifli, MA as Director; Prof. Dr. Yusuf Rahman, MA as Deputy Director; Prof. Dr. J.M. Muslimin, MA as head of the Islamic Studies Doctoral Program; Hamdani, M.Ag, Ph.D as Head of the Islamic Studies Masters Program; Dr. Maswani, MA as Secretary of the Islamic Studies Doctoral Study Program; and Dr. Rizqi Handayani, MA as Secretary of the Master of Islamic Studies Study Program.