The SPs Research Master Plan (RIP) is direction of research management policy at the faculty level in the term in the next 5 years whose preparation is guided by the Plan 2017 National Research Mains– 2045, UIN Syarif Research Master Plan Hidayatullah Jakarta and the Vision of SPs UIN Jakarta.

>> Download-The SPs Research Master Plan (RIP)

Community Service Master Plan (RIPM) This is intended as a reference in developing community service activities community carried out by lecturers, students and staff in the SPs environment UIN Jakarta. RIPM is also used as part of the instrument It is important to realize the tridharma of higher education to support achieving the vision, mission and strategic plan of the UIN Postgraduate School Jakarta. It is also hoped that the RIPM will provide further clarity synergy between Community Service activities and the field Another tridharma of higher education is education and research. Apart from that, it is hoped that RIPM will further strengthen it and expanding the SPs network with various Collaboration partners at various levels local, national and international.

Guidelines for the Integration of Islam and Health is a primary need that must exist. With the release of the Guidelines In this integration of Islam and Health Sciences, one important guideline has been There is. This guideline is needed to clarify the achievement of the vision and mission of the Graduate School. This guide will serve as a reference and guidance on the concept of scientific integration in carrying out teaching, research and community service.

>> Scientific Integration Guidelines Book