About Graduate School



The leaders of the Postgraduate School are the Directors and Deputy Director, tasked with, among other things, carrying out the function of managing the faculty as a whole, implementing the Tri Dharma of higher education, namely organizing education, research and community service, developing the academic community (lecturers & students) and building good relationships with alumni. in the Graduate School, university and community environments. The Director and Deputy Director are appointed/dismissed by the Chancellor. The following is the Profile of Postgraduate School Leaders for the 2023-2027 Period.

struktur organisasi


Graduate School

Dr. Yusuf Rahman, M.A

Vice Director

Prof. Dr. JM. Muslimin, MA

Head of Doctoral Program in Islamic Studies

Hamdani, M.Ag, Ph.D

Head of Master Program in Islamic Studies

Dr. Maswani, M.A

Secretary of Doctoral Program in Islamic Studies

Dr. Rizqi Handayani, MA

Secretary of Master Program in Islamic Studies

Afif Ahmad Faisal, ST, MM

Sub Division of Administration


Graduate School Lecturer

No Name Field of Study
1 A'ang Subiyakto, Dr., M.Kom Information Systems Science
2 Abd. Chair, Dr., MA History and Civilization of Islam
3 Abd. Mujib, Prof. Dr., M.Ag., M.si Islamic Psychological Science
4 Abd. Rahman, Dr., MA Ushul Fiqh
5 Abd. Wahid Hasyim, Prof. Dr., MA History and Civilization of Islam
6 Abdul Aziz Dahlan, Prof. Dr. Islamic Thought
7 Abdul Gani Abdullah, Prof. Dr.,, MH Legal Science
8 Abdul Hakim Wahid, Dr., MA Hadith Science
9 Abdul Halim, Dr., MA Islamic Law Science
10 Abdul Rahman Shaleh, Dr., S.Ag, M.Psi Psychology
11 Abuddin, Prof. Dr., MA Islamic Education
12 Achmad Satori, Prof. Dr. Arabic Language
13 Achmad Syahid, Prof. Dr., M.Ag Islamic Thought
14 Ahmad Azwar Habibi, Dr. dr., M.Biomed Anatomy
15 Ahmad Fudhaili, Dr., M.Ag Tafsir Science
16 Ahmad Rodoni, Prof. Dr., MM Management
17 Ahmad Thib Raya, Prof. Dr., MA Arabic Language Science
18 Ahmad Tholabi, Prof. Dr., MA Islamic Law Science
19 Ali Munhanif, Prof., MA, Ph.D Political Science
20 Alvian Iqbal Zahasfan, Dr., SSi, Lc, MA Islamic Thought
21 Amany Lubis, Prof. Dr., MA Constitutional Law
22 Amelia Fauzia, Prof., Ph.D Indonesian Islamic History Science
23 Amirul Hadi, Prof. Drs., MA., Ph.D History and Civilization of Islam
24 Amsal Bakhtiar, Prof. Dr., MA Science of Islamic Philosophy
25 Andi M. Faisal Bakti, Prof. Dr.,
Communication Science
26 Anwar Abbas, Dr., MA Islamic Economics
27 Arif Sumantri, Prof. Dr., SKM.,
Public Health
28 Arif Zamhari, M.Ag., Ph.D Sociology of Religion
29 Armai Arief, Prof. Dr., M.Ag Islamic Education Science
30 Asep Saepudin Jahar, Prof. Dr.
Phil., MA
Sociology of Islamic Law
31 Asmawi, Dr., M.Ag Islamic Law Science
32 Awalia Rahma, Dr., MA History and Civilization of Islam Science
33 Dede Rosyada, Prof. Dr., MA Islamic Education Philosophy
34 Didin Saepudin, Prof. Dr., MA History and Civilization of Islam
35 Dwi Tyastuti, dr., S.Ked., MPH, Ph.D Medical
36 Euis Amalia, Prof. Dr., M.Ag Islamic Economic Science
