Alkana Prisma Pilanta Doctoral Promotion Exam: Lone Wolf Terrorism in the Perspective of Islamic Law and Criminal Law and Efforts to Counter It
Theater Room SPs UIN Jakarta, BERITA SEKOLAH: The Graduate School of the State Islamic University (SPs UIN) Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta held the 1612th Doctoral Promotion Exam in the Theater Room on Wednesday, February 26, 2025 with the Alkana Prisma Pilanta promovendus.
Alkana Prisma Pilanta is a student of the Doctoral Program in Islamic Studies with a Concentration in Religion and Law. He wrote a dissertation entitled "Lone Wolf Terrorism in the Perspective of Islamic Law and Criminal Law and Countermeasures against it".
Alkana Prisma Pilanta, in her research, revealed that the phenomenon of 'lone wolf' terrorism in Indonesia is triggered by the massive spread of extremist ideology in cyberspace. Perpetrators of this type of terrorism, who tend to be closed and isolated, are easily exposed and radicalized by the propaganda circulating on the internet. The findings highlight the latent dangers of cyberspace that can become a hotbed for the recruitment and spread of terrorism ideology.
The dissertation also asserts that Islamic law categorically rejects all forms of unjustified violence, including lone wolf terrorism. The principle of justice in Islam upholds the protection of life and common security, so acts of terrorism, whatever their form, are considered serious violations of humanitarian principles.
In the perspective of Indonesian criminal law, acts of 'lone wolf' terrorism are still considered serious crimes, even if they are committed by individuals without affiliation with a particular terrorist group. As long as the act meets the elements of terrorism, namely violence or threat of violence, ideological or political motives, and random targets, the perpetrator can be charged with the applicable law.
Pilanta's Alkana Prisma research disagrees with several previous studies, including Ramon Spaaij's research which posited the characteristics of 'lone wolf' terrorism. Alkana argues that the influence of social media is very significant in triggering lone wolf terrorism, in line with Charlotte Mae Garett's research. In addition, he also differed from Mukhammad Ilyasin, M. Abzar Duraesa, and Mohammad Kamaluddin about the characteristics of terrorism in society.
This dissertation emphasizes the importance of the role of the state and religious institutions in tackling violent extremism that leads to 'lone wolf' acts of terrorism. Comprehensive policies and close cooperation between various parties are urgently needed to prevent and overcome this increasingly complex threat of terrorism.
Alkana Prisma Pilanta successfully defended her dissertation under the guidance of Prof. Dr. Masykuri Abdillah, Prof. Dr. Jamhari, MA, and was tested in front of a panel of examiners consisting of Prof. Dr. JM Muslimin, MA, Prof. Dr. Masykuri Abdillah, Prof. Dr. Jamhari, MA, Prof. Dr. M. Atho Mudzhar, MSPD, Prof. Dr. Djawahir Hejazziey, SH, MA, MH, Prof. Dr. H. Abd. Rahman, MA.
After paying attention to the writing of the dissertation, the comments of the examining team and the promovendus answers, the examining team determined that Alkana Prisma Pilanta was declared to have graduated with the title of Very Satisfactory and became the 1612th Doctor in the field of Islamic Studies at the Graduate School of UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta.(JA)