Amalina Zukhrufatul Bahriyah's Thesis Exam: Restorative Justice in the Perspective of Islamic Criminal Law
Auditorium Prof. Dr. Suwito, MA SPs UIN Jakarta, SCHOOL NEWS: The Graduate School of the State Islamic University (SPs UIN) Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta held the 2751st Thesis Exam in the Theater Room on Friday, February 21, 2025 with candidate Amalina Zukhrufatul Bahriyah.
Amalina Zukhrufatul Bahriyah, a student of the Master of Islamic Studies Study Program with a concentration in Sharia, wrote a thesis with the title "Restorative Justice in the Perspective of Islamic Criminal Law and Its Implementation in the West Java Police".
The research conducted by Amalina aims to analyze how restorative justice is implemented in the perspective of Islamic criminal law in the West Java Regional Police. The main focus of his research includes two important aspects: the implementation of restorative justice in the West Java Police and how Islamic criminal law views the application of this concept.
This research arises from concerns about the handling methods of law enforcement agencies that have begun to shift from a retributive to a restorative approach in an effort to overcome the problem of prison overcapacity. Interestingly, this restorative approach turns out to contain Islamic values that have long been applied in Islamic criminal law.
Amalina uses a qualitative research method with a normative legal approach to answer the questions in her research. He collected data from various sources, including literature consisting of Perpol No. 8 of 2021 and criminal cases in 2023. Not only that, he also conducted interviews with three informants who were present, namely the Investigator Supervisor, Legal Aid of the West Java Police, and a Lawyer from the Law Office.
The results of Amalina's research show that the implementation of restorative justice in the West Java Regional Police is in accordance with the provisions contained in Perpol No. 8 of 2021. He also found that restorative justice can be used to resolve criminal cases between the two parties that lead to peace. In addition, this study reveals that the Islamic criminal law's view of the application of restorative justice is known as islah.
Amalina argues that restorative justice has great potential as a humane solution in handling criminal cases in Indonesia. This approach is also in line with Islamic justice values and can support the reform of national criminal law. More than that, restorative justice also strengthens human values and justice which are very important in society.
This research is in line with research conducted by Sudarmin, Monika, Supardi, and Yusrial (2023) which states that the concept of restorative justice emphasizes dispute resolution through reconciliation that is in line with Islamic law, namely al-'adālah al-iṣlāḥiyah. These findings make an important contribution to the development of criminal law in Indonesia, especially in the implementation of restorative justice based on Islamic justice values.
Amalina Zukhrufatul Bahriyah successfully defended her thesis under the guidance of Prof. Dr. Kamarusdiana, MH and was tested in front of examiners consisting of Prof. Dr. Yusuf Rahman, MA, Prof. Dr. Kamarusdiana, MH, Prof. Dr. Asmawi, M.Ag, Dr. Alfitra, SH, M.Hum.
After paying attention to the writing of the dissertation, the comments of the examining team and the candidates' answers, the examining team determined that Amalina Zukhrufatul Bahriyah was declared to have graduated with the title of Very Satisfactory and became the 2751st Master's in the field of Islamic Studies at the Graduate School of UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta.