Doctoral Promotion Exam for Dina Febriani Darmansyah, Halal MSMEs Pillar of Inclusive Economy
Doctoral Promotion Exam for Dina Febriani Darmansyah, Halal MSMEs Pillar of Inclusive Economy

Auditorium Prof. Dr. Suwito, MA SPs UIN Jakarta, SPs NEWS: The Graduate School of the State Islamic University (SPs UIN) Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta held the 1615th Doctoral Promotion Exam in in the Auditorium Room of Prof. Dr. Suwito, MA SPs UIN Jakarta, February 27, 2025 with the promovendus Dina Febriani Darmansyah.

Dina Febriani Darmansyah is a student of the Doctoral Program in Islamic Studies with a Concentration in Islamic Economics. He wrote a dissertation entitled "Halal MSMEs: Pillars of Inclusive Economy (Synergy of Sharia Banks and Zakat Institutions in the Development of MSMEs in Indonesia)".

Dina's research focuses on analyzing the role of MSMEs in supporting inclusive economic growth in Indonesia, as well as the synergy between Islamic banks and zakat institutions in the development of Halal MSMEs. Qualitative methods with descriptive analysis are used to collect data through observation, interviews, and documentation. SWOT and AHP analysis is then applied to identify the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats of this synergy.

The novelty of Dina's research lies in the synergy approach that is not only limited to financing, but also includes the empowerment of MSMEs through business capacity building, sustainable assistance, and increasing economic inclusivity. This approach is expected to increase the inclusivity of MSMEs in various regions, especially remote areas that are difficult to reach by formal financial institutions.

The results of Dina's research show that MSMEs have a positive impact on inclusive economic growth in Indonesia. The synergy between Bank Syariah Indonesia (BSI) and the National Amil Zakat Agency (Baznas) has proven to be effective in encouraging the creation of an inclusive economy. This innovative approach not only focuses on providing financing, but also builds an ecosystem that supports economic independence in accordance with the principles of Islamic economic justice and equity.

Dina's research is in line with the research of experts such as Chist Banner, Manuel Pastor, and Raworth on the inclusive economy, Sudarti on MSMEs as a pillar of the nation's economy, and Stephen Covey, Terry, and Edi Winata on synergy between companies. However, this research is different from the research of Istikomah and Kusumah who argue that zakat institutions only play a role as social institutions.

Dina's research contribution is expected to provide positive knowledge and insights for academics, practitioners, and regulators in developing Halal MSMEs as a pillar of an inclusive economy in Indonesia. This research is also expected to be an inspiration for future studies on the synergy between Islamic financial institutions and zakat institutions in community economic empowerment.

Dina Febriani Darmansyah successfully defended her dissertation under the guidance of Prof. Dr. Euis Amalia, M.Ag and Prof. Dr. Muhammad Nur Rianto Al Arif, M.Si and tested in front of a board of examiners consisting of Prof. Dr. Zulkifli, MA, Prof. Dr. Euis Amalia, M.Ag, Prof. Dr. Ahmad Rodoni, MM, Prof. Dr. H. Abd. Rahman, MA and Prof. Dr. Desmadi Saharuddin, MA.

After paying attention to the writing of the dissertation, the comments of the examining team and the promovendus answers, the examining team determined that Dina Febriani Darmansyah was declared to have graduated with the title of Very Satisfactory and became the 1614th Doctor in the field of Islamic Studies at the Graduate School of UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta.(JA)