Kama Miratul Chasanah Thesis Exam, a Model of Sufism-Based Mahārat al-Qirā'ah Teaching Materials
Kama Miratul Chasanah Thesis Exam, a Model of Sufism-Based Mahārat al-Qirā'ah Teaching Materials

Theater Room Sps UIN Jakarta, SCHOOL NEWS: The Graduate School of the State Islamic University (SPs UIN) Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta held the 2754th Thesis Exam in the SPs UIN Jakarta Theater Room, on Tuesday, February 25, 2025 with candidate Kama Miratul Chasanah.

Kama Miratul Chasanah is a student of the Master of Islamic Studies Study Program with a concentration in Arabic Language Education. He wrote a thesis entitled "Model of Sufism-Based Mahārat al-Qirā'ah Teaching Materials to Internalize Religious Character Values and Understanding of Arabic".

The research conducted by Kama Miratul Chasanah offers new innovations in learning Arabic. He developed a model of teaching materials that not only focused on improving reading skills (maharah al-qira'ah), but also integrated Sufism values to shape the religious character of students. This step is considered very relevant in the context of today's education, where character building is one of the top priorities.

In particular, this research aims to develop teaching materials that are feasible and effective in improving understanding of the Arabic language and internalizing the value of religious character in students of the Arabic Language Education Study Program (PBA) at STAI Nurul Iman Bogor. Using the ADDIE research and development (R&D) model and the mixed method, Kama managed to collect comprehensive qualitative and quantitative data.

The results of the study show that the teaching materials developed by Kama are very feasible to use, with a feasibility level of 83.69% for the feasibility of content, 82.5% for the feasibility of presentation and language, 81.25% for the feasibility of design and graphics, and 96.875% for the feasibility of Sufism content. More than that, this teaching material has proven to be effective in improving Arabic reading skills and internalizing the value of students' religious character.

This finding is in line with previous studies that emphasize the importance of reading materials in improving student achievement. In addition, the selection of Sufism as the basis for development is also supported by experts who argue that character education based on Sufism is very important in overcoming moral crises.

However, this study also provides criticism of the view that doubts the effectiveness of teaching materials compared to the learning environment. Kama Miratul Chasanah has succeeded in proving that well-designed teaching materials can make a significant contribution to improving students' understanding and character.

Kama Miratul Chasanah successfully defended his dissertation under the guidance of Dr. Mohammad Syairozi Dimyathi Ilyas, MA and Sabilil Muttaqin, M.Ed, Ph.D, and was tested in front of a panel of examiners consisting of Prof. Dr. Yusuf Rahman, MA, Dr. Mohammad Syairozi Dimyathi Ilyas, MA, Sabilil Muttaqin, M.Ed, Ph.D, Dr. Muhbib Abdul Wahab, MA and Dr. Achmad Fudhaili, M.Pd.

After paying attention to the writing of the dissertation, the comments of the examining team and the candidates' answers, the examining team determined that Kama Miratul Chasanah was declared to have graduated with the title of Very Satisfactory and became the 2754th master's degree in the field of Islamic Studies at the Graduate School of UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta.(JA)