Mohammed Ali Alshahra Doctoral Promotion Exam
Mohammed Ali Alshahra Doctoral Promotion Exam

Auditorium Prof. Dr. Suwito, MA SPs UIN Jakarta, BERITA SEKOLAH: The Graduate School of the Syarif Hidayatullah State Islamic University, Jakarta, held its 1541st doctoral promotion exam in the Prof. Auditorium. Dr. Suwito, MA on Tuesday, March 26 2024, with promovendus Mohammed Ali Alshahra.

Mohammed Ali Alshahra is a student in the Islamic Studies Doctoral Study Program, concentrating on Hadith and Prophetic Traditions. He wrote a dissertation entitled الأحاديث والآثار الواردة في إصلاح القلوب في كتاب تنبيه الغافلين بأحاديث سيد الأنبياء والمرسلين للسمرقندي ت 373 ه (تخريجا ودراسة)

Mohammed Ali Alshahra, a student from Saudi Arabia, explained in his findings that the Koran and Hadith pay attention to the human heart (qalb). Quoting from the hadiths contained in Al Samarkandi's work, it is concluded that, the heart will be healthy (salim) if it is far from shirk, sincerely worships Allah SWT accompanied by fear and hope only in Allah SWT.

Not only quoting from the words of the Prophet Muhammad, this dissertation also quotes Atsar or sayings attributed to Tabi'in - Tabi' Tabiin - and pious people who discuss the theme of guarding the heart (qalb).

Ali stated the reason for choosing this theme in his dissertation, guarding the heart is essential for each individual, when everyone has a healthy heart (salim) it will create a community environment where the heart is healthy and has a close relationship with His Rabb.

During the trial, Muhammad Ali received input and corrections from the examiners regarding Atsar, who was deemed not to need to use the takhrij method in writing it, because Atsar was not a word attributed to the Prophet SAW.

The doctoral promotion exam was chaired by Prof. Dr. JM Muslimin, MA, and the examiners Prof. Dr. Rusli, S.Ag, M.Soc.Sc, Prof. Muhammad Zuhdi, M.Ed, Ph.D and Dr. Gazi, M.Si, as promoter Prof. Dr. Said Agil Husin Al Munawar, MA, Prof. Dr. Zaitunah Subhan, Dr. Ahmad Fudhaili, M.Ag,

In this doctoral promotion exam, Mohammed Ali Alshahra successfully passed with honors. Muhammad Ali Alshahra is the 1541st doctor from Graduate School of the Syarif Hidayatullah State Islamic University, Jakarta. (Vicky/JA)