Siti Asiah Samman's Thesis Exam: Habib Saggaf's Holistic Leadership in Shaping the Character of Students
Theater Room SPs UIN Jakarta, SCHOOL NEWS: The Graduate School of the State Islamic University (SPs UIN) Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta held the 2753rd Thesis Exam at the SPs UIN Jakarta Theater Room, on Tuesday, February 25, 2025 with candidate Siti Asiah Samman.
Siti Asiah Samman, a student of the Master of Islamic Studies Study Program with a concentration in Islamic Education. He wrote a thesis entitled "Leadership in Education: Habib Saggaf's Example and Leadership in Shaping the Character of Students in Al Ashriyyah Nurul Iman".
Siti Asiah Samman's research discusses the leadership of Habib Saggaf which is considered very effective in shaping the character of students. By using historical approaches and thematic analysis methods, as well as integrating leadership management theories and Sufism, this study succeeded in revealing how Habib Saggaf combined exemplary, leadership management, and Sufism values in educating his students.
The results of the study show that Habib Saggaf's example has a significant impact on shaping the character of students, both in spiritual aspects, discipline, and character development. Character values such as honesty, discipline, responsibility, empathy, sincerity, tawakal, cooperation, tolerance, independence, and love for the homeland, are integrated in the daily education process of students. In addition, Habib Saggaf also emphasized the importance of practical skills education as part of student education.
In the aspect of leadership management, Habib Saggaf is considered to apply transformational leadership styles, path-goal theory, and prophetic. Meanwhile, in the context of Sufism, he plays the role of a murshid who guides his students to achieve spiritual perfection.
The uniqueness of this research lies in the holistic approach applied by Habib Saggaf, which combines spiritual, emotional, intellectual, and social dimensions in the formation of student character. This approach distinguishes Siti Asiah Samman's research from previous studies that tend to focus on normative or managerial aspects separately.
Thus, this research provides a more comprehensive and applicable insight into character education in Islamic boarding schools. Students are not only equipped with academic knowledge and character values, but also practical skills that are needed in society, so that they can become independent individuals and contribute positively to their environment.
Siti Asiah Samman successfully defended her thesis under the guidance of Prof. Maila Dinia Husni Rahiem, MA, Ph.D and Sabilil Muttaqin, M.Ed, Ph.D, and was tested in front of examiners consisting of Prof. Dr. Yusuf Rahman, MA, Sabilil Muttaqin, M.Ed, Ph.D, Dr. Mohammad Syairozi Dimyathi Ilyas, MA, Dr. Achmad Fudhaili, M.Pd.
After paying attention to the writing of the thesis, the comments of the examining team and the candidates' answers, the examining team determined that Siti Asiah Samman was declared to have graduated with the title of Very Satisfactory and became the 2753rd master's in the field of Islamic Studies at the Graduate School of UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta.(JA)